Kellermann Magazin

Kellermann relaunch:
investor joins, jobs secured
Focus on manufacturing high-quality motorcycle lighting
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Daytime running lights for motorcycles– Simply explained!

Kellermann Spot® - Der etwas andere Atto!

Mit dem Dayron im Norden von Irland

Kellermann auf den Kawa Days in Speyer

Kellermann und VTR Customs - Inspiriert von der Luftfahrt!

Kellermann wins prizes for innovation and webshop!
Kellermann is the absolute trendsetter in the segment of lighting technology for motorbikes and has been for over 30 years. For this, there have been and still are prizes, and now a very prestigious award has been added: Kellermann was awarded by the magazine ’Stern’ as one of the most innovative medium-sized companies in Germany in the category of electrical engineering..read more

Thornton Hundred und Kellermann Bullet: Match made in…

Motorräder Dortmund 2023: Kellermann mit großem Comeback!

Salon du 2 roues - Kellermann at the largest motorcycle show in France
"Ah, ça marche ici!" - Shortly after the start of the "Salon du 2 roues" it was clear: This show will be a success! The undisputed largest motorcycle fair in France attracted many trade visitors already on the opening day and on the weekend even the traffic in the east of Lyon broke down. And it was worth it: Several large halls with almost all manufacturers of the industry, suppliers of clothing and accessories, customizers, clubs and test tracks - a paradise for all friends of the motorized two-wheeler. read more

World premiere: Kellermann Dayron® - The intelligent daytime running light system with smart control and ECE approval!

MBE Verona 2023 – Strahlende Neuauflage mit Kellermann!
Verona ist eine dieser Städte, die immer wieder neu beindrucken können. Ob es frische Inszenierungen im legendären und jahrhundertealten Amphitheater sind oder jetzt die Auferstehung der internationalen Customizer Show MBE (Motor Bike Expo) nur ein paar Kilometer weiter. Bei strahlendem Sonnenschein strömten die Motorradfreunde gleich am ersten Tag auf das Messegelände. mehr lesen

Kellermann Jetstream® gewinnt Good Design Award!

Bei Harley Davidson Bielefeld steckt der Teufel nicht im Detail
Dem Gehörnten huldigen? "Ja, können wir machen, aber nur, wenn es auch legal bleibt." Mit dieser klaren Vorgabe schickte Stephan Kaminski seine Truppe ans Werk. Die erfahrene Werkstatt Crew von Harley Davidson Bielefeld durfte damit "El Purgatorio" zum Leben erwecken. Aber nur, wenn das Gefährt nach dem European Biker Build-Off auf der Custombike in Bad Salzuflen auch ganz normal auf der Straße unterwegs sein kann. Also quasi der Fantasie freien Lauf lassen, aber nicht für das Museum oder Länder ohne TÜV produzieren. Da lacht der Teufel, aber mit Stil. mehr lesen

Wenn der Kommissar die Kellermänner anbaut…
Natürlich ist Ulf von 3KlangCustom nicht der Dortmunder Tatortkommissar Faber… aber wenn er spricht, dann klingt er so: Cool, angenehm schnodderig und doch präzise. Und irgendwie sind auch die Bikes des Originals aus dem Ruhrpott so. Doch woher kommt der Name dieses besonderen Customizers?
Da ist zum einen der Mythos des Ruhrpotts: Kohle, Stahl und Bier - ein 3 Klang und einst stolzer Werbeslogan, der Dortmund und das Ruhrgebiet groß gemacht hat. Bergbau, Eisen- und Stahlindustrie und die Großbrauereien - auch die 3 Säulen genannt - waren maßgeblich an der industriellen Entwicklung des Ruhrgebiets beteiligt. Und sie haben den Alltag der Menschen geprägt. mehr lesen

Kellermann auf der Custombike 2022 -
Die Aachener Spezialisten für Beleuchtungstechnik sind auch in diesem Jahr wieder bei Europas größter Messe für umgebaute Motorräder am Start. Auf einem der faszinierendsten Stände der Show präsentiert Kellermann die gesamte Produktpalette vom berühmten Atto über Bullet, Rhombus bis hin zu den Neuheiten Jetstream und Dayron. Besonders der Lauflichtlichtblinker Jetstream und das Tagfahrlicht Dayron werden dabei beim Publikum für Interesse sorgen. mehr lesen

Motorcyle World meets up in Milano – Kellermann at EICMA
The return of the EICMA last year fest a bit slow after the forced break, but this year was full speed ahead again. Die motorcycle world made Milano once again its unmatched meeting place. All halls were full, both with stands and visitors. The euphoria around two wheel mobility is alive, maybe more than ever before.
Kellermann showcased its products in hall 22 at the stand of SGR-IT, the new strong Partner in Italy. On the first days the meetings with journalists and international clients were in the focus. At the weekend the motorcycle crazy Italian crowd fully took over. Maximum excitement in Milano!read more

Jetstream and Dayron the stars at Intermot!
The highly anticipated comeback of the motorcycle show Intermot in Cologne also presented to opportunity to showcase two bright stars at the Kellermann stand: Jetstream and Dayron! With impressive illumination power they easily attracted the crowd in hall 8 from far away. A clear difference to their task in everyday traffic where they warn and give bikers more safety support.read more

Intermot 2022 coming up
A most welcome guest indeed: The director of Intermot, Alexander Wolff, rolled directly into the studio of the Kellermann Bike Talk on his fine Aprilia: Small talk about everything on two wheels and of course the upcoming Intermot show from October 4 to 9 in Cologne after a forced brake of 4 years.
Intermot is the leading international business and event-packed trade fair for the world of motorised two-wheeled vehicles. Visionary concepts for the mobility of the future are presented. A good opportunity to learn about innovative technical developments live and at first hand. On of course the main reason to go: To check out the most awesome bikes and have that important first test seat on many bikes. read more

Kellermann and IO Hawk - e-scooter with the premium flash!
Nope, we won't compare e-scooters with motorcycles. Why should we? E-scooters found their segment within mobility and therefore society, they are here to stay. Yet, there are some similarities, apart from the obvious one: rolling on two wheels. Because more and more customers choose from the premium segment of the e-scooter market and go for the more established brands.
And something else and almost 'natural' seems to happen: The vehicle should be premium and as safe as possible. Sounds familiar? Yes, it does! Enter Kellermann and its big 'small' advantage: Because on top of the premium quality and illumination power of the lights from Aachen you get something that comes handy for any e-scooter: super compact design! So, it comes as no surprise that Kellermann is the choice of light for premium scooters. In the case of IO Hawk fully installed and fresh from factory.read more

Morgan and Kellermann - tradition at low flying altitude
Time and time again genius inventors develop an unusual idea into a product ready for the markets and create a brand icon in the process.
That’s what happened more than a hundred years ago in Malvern Link, England and more than 30 years ago in Aachen, Germany. Kellermann is the synonym for premium lights on motorcycles and other vehicles, Morgan is known for exclusive sports cars. And both companies are known for a design which relates to the consequent form follows function concept of aircrafts.read more

Kellermann as bright as the sun at Louis event!
The setting for the Summer Bike Party in front of the huge Louis store in Köln-Pesch was really perfect: Weather and entertainment at its best. And many Louis partners showcased their products at the event.
But only one exhibitor was able to challenge the sun in terms of brightness: Kellermann from Aachen.
At the event tent the premium lights flashed on displays and on a show bike.read more

Kellermann indicators on Woidwerk bike for Rolling Optician -

Deus Ex Machina and Kellermann - Custom als Lifestyle
When Dare Jennings, the founder of Deus Ex Machina, was presented personally with the range of Kellermann products a few years ago, you could see this little flash in his eyes. Sure, partly that was the result of the extreme illumination power of the ‘Kellermanner’, especially from the then just launched now cult indicator Kellermann Atto. But Jennings was also immediately the successful entrepreneur again, who felt like he just discovered something new and spectacular.read more

Milwaukee in Mittelhessen: With One Way Machine the Atto travels the world!
The first contact from Asia or somewhere else in the world often comes via email, ‘and that is very ok’, says Julian von Oheimb. Later, there will be enough time to arrange face time, digitally or personally, with the demanding clients. The man behind One Way Machine knows the challenge time zones can bring to family life when the next high end Harley project is on the horizon.
Yet the passion for Harley Davidson has been part of his family for some time. The father was and is mad about Harley and was probably the first to ride a bike from Milwaukee through Mittelhessen North of Frankfurt am Main. That morphed into a full stable of HD bikes and they needed to be taken care of. Working on knuckleheads, flatheads and panheads became the world for father and son.read more

When will you have your Kellermann moment?
You walk around your bike, checking it out from different perspectives and think: What can I improve, how do I make it look even better… How will it really become my bike?read more

Behind the scenes: Jetstream taking the stage
Nothing beats reality. Sounds a bit pathetic, right? But when it comes to the Kellermänner lights this is absolutely true. Anybody who sees the strong lights from Aachen in action for the first time will never want to go back to second best or cheap me-too products. But more than ever photos and clips are playing an important role, in the world of social media they are the essence. The biker of today is going online to check for accessories and lets his fantasy go wild on what could take his bike to the next level. read more

Down Under: Long beards and compact indicators!
A man with a jet helmet and a super long Father Christmas beard is cruising very relaxed on a small but highly modified motorcycle through Perth, the biggest city in Western Australia. He has chosen the coolest Corner of Perth: Fremantle. ‘Posh’ or ‘hip’, the Aussie would say, or simply just the place to be.read more
Black Bike - Lights in the Black Forest: A photo and its story
A guy with red and black lumberjack shirt sits on a fine Café Racer, the Kellermann lights shine bright on the bike, the whole scene is placed in a cult style retro setting. It looks completely staged yet natural at the same time. Maybe something like this is only possible in the German Schwarzwald, internationally know as the mystic Black Forest. People just do their thing in this part of the word. And this particular man does just that and his name is almost a legacy: Alex Schwarz.read more

Kellermann and Pembleton Sports Cars
Kellermann is proud to equip the Pembleton Super Sport car of British manufacturer Pembleton Motor Company from Bayton, Worcestershire (www.pembleton.co.uk) with its Bullet 1000 indicator.
The Pembleton Super Sport is the first turnkey model of Pembleton Motor Company. Since 1999 the company and its owner Phil Gregory have produced over 500 kits of its Pembleton sports car. His son Guy Gregory is now in charge of Pembleton Sports Cars and will build turnkey models of the car: “For us it was important to source parts for our new model that are of high quality and look great.”read more

Kellermann and the solar buggy in Australia
The solar buggy of the university Hochschule Bochum was equipped with the high-performance indicator micro 1000 Extreme black.
The students converted a beach buggy with a conventional combustion engine to an electric power system, fueled by solar energy. The group is a spin-off of the highly successful Solarcar Team of the Hochschule Bochum. The team was runners-up at the World Solar Challenge in Australia and overall winner of the European Solar Challenge.read more